Anna Begas ∘ Plant spirit communication, Tobacco

The following is part of a conversation I had with Anna for a collaboration. The chat ended up covering topics that we felt would be beneficial for others to hear and so we decided to share it. It covers aspects of Annas journey, some of her experiences and views on working with the spirit of the plants.

Anna Begas is a qualified trauma-informed therapist, women’s coach and Plant Communication guide. She has 15+ years of experience in private practice, with groups, retreats, and has been offering online courses since 2020. Her grass-roots rebellion is walking the inner road out of Patriarchy.In guiding sensitive souls to deepen their relationship to nature through plant spirit communication. And in guiding them to take their full space, and express their gifts of sensitivity into the world.

0:57. Everyone can communicate with plants
2:50 Conscious intelligence & sensing their differences
4:44 We have to stop doubting ourselves & mastering the self along this path
5:44 Medicine of the plants & Annas healing with Borage
7:41 Fear along the path, bringing this kind of work out
9:44 Anna’s journey to working with plants & ways of connecting, Goethian science
15:31 Common gifts from the plants
16:50 Students’ experiences
18:03 The plant becomes the teacher
18:40 Connection & belonging & grass root activism through this work
20:45 Just comes down to respect & equality
21:42 They are teaching us from outside the human system
25:35 Colonialism cutting the connection to the land
27:12 Being called by the plants
29:20 Animal communication
30:35 Heart opening, mind opening
31:25 Tobacco


Monika Ghent ∘ Plant Spirit Medicine, Weather Work, Ceremony & Relationship


Tuning Into Plant Intelligence ∘ A piece of my journey