Monika Ghent ∘ Plant Spirit Medicine, Weather Work, Ceremony & Relationship

Monika Ghent is a Plant Spirit Medicine Healer – which is a form of energy medicine that collaborates with the spirit of plants, reaching into the deepest recesses of our being to bring healing to body, mind, and spirit.

She had the calling and was initiated as a Weather Worker and Traditional Nahua Healer or Tepahtiani, in an ancient Nahua lineage of Mexico. Monika is also an Animal Communicator & Healer and an instructor at the Living Earth School of Herbalism.

2:34 Ceremony in Mexico
6:43 Weather work
8:12 Don Lucio’s story / lineage / prophecy
15:26 Working with the land/ceremony outside of a lineage
18:17 Recalling our sacredness
25:18 Plant Spirit Medicine
29:35 How the plants speak to us
32:27 Plants calling to you
34:20 Being in right relationship with the world around us
35:26 Experience of Monika’s Joe-Pye Weed Transmission
39:25 When you are thinking, you are out of union / the mind
46:36 Trust in life/self 53:04 Importance of finding your people
54:14 If you find yourself untethered / putting down roots
57:30 Monika’s work with the trees / Tree medicine
1:02:56 Getting comfortable with not knowing
1:08:05 No knowing is a good place to be / Fear in spaciousness
1:09:09 Workshops - eg Dream journeys
1:11:44 Structure of Monika’s healing practice
1:15:05 There is a way for all of us


Anna Begas ∘ Plant spirit communication, Tobacco