Ash Hodgson ∘ Tuning into the body - Kinesiology & metaphysical health

Ash Hodgson is an Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiologist based in Melbourne offering both in person and online sessions. With a background in Psychology, Holistic Counselling, Meditation, Energetic Development, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programme), Eriksonian Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching, she has a large toolbox with which she can assist her clients.

You can find her at

1:48 Metaphysical health
8:40 Overview of a sessions
13:00 How are the remedies chosen
17:00 Where are the memories / emotions stored
20:20 Working with animals
22:33 Our resistance
25:00 Is our stress self-inflicted?
29:33 How do you know when you have connected with the subconscious mind?
31:20 Kinesiology vs hypnosis
33:40 Acupressure & meridians
37:50 Seaking help vs doing our own work - taking responsibility 39:20 What can people do on their own?
42:25 Getting centered
44:30 Demonstration of muscle testing
46:53 External influences
49:55 How it feels to connect to someones energy
51:27 Coming into the body
54:28 Getting aligned - values
58:33 Origin of kinesiology


Tuning Into Plant Intelligence ∘ A piece of my journey


Chat with Shima Sazegari ∘ Alternative Medicine & the Living Tree Orchid Essences