Chat with Shima Sazegari ∘ Alternative Medicine & the Living Tree Orchid Essences

Shima Sazegari is a Pharmacist, Homeopath and Nutritionist. She is the founder & CEO of Swiss Alternative Medicine, founder of SAMWB association, co-founder of Inclusive Brain Health, co-founder of Aevissa group, WHIS Partner Swiss & Greece.

Graduated from the faculty of pharmacy at the University of Geneva, Shima Sazegari has been working as a pharmacist and integrative medicine consultant for more than 25 years in Geneva. During all these years, she has been interested and committed to the development of natural medicine in Switzerland and in Europe. Her area of interest and expertise stems from her years of practice and continues training with internationally recognized experts in various aspects of medicine such as functional medicine, homeopathy adapted to the vital sensation, herbal medicine in its expanded pharmaceutical application specially flower essences (the Living Tree Orchid Essenes - LTO). Benefiting from her extensive experience and the desire to share her know-how and knowledge acquired during these long years, Shima Sazegari has developed a new concept of integrative medicine for health professionals.

You can find more information and contact her at

The Living Tree Orchid Essenes -

2:57 Shima’s background and how she came to alternative medicine & working with the Living Tree Orchid Essenes (LTO)
8:16 How the Living Tree Orchid Essenes work - they are called enhancers
10:09 Are they for everyone / uses
12:08 We are an energy system
13:08 Not limiting the plants to one description & impact of frequency
18:14 Homeopathy - Vital sensation method
21:36 Essences vs Homeopathy
23:08 Energy gates
26:10 TEK - Therapeutic Energy Kinesiology
28:07 Does the body always know? / Shadow
36:27 Potential misdiagnosis
38:13 Essence use over the times / Rose water for the heart chakra
40:25 Western vs alternative medicine uses
42:38 Alternative medicine in Switerland & the rest of the world
45:02 Persian traditional medicine
52:42 Living Tree Orchid Essences - the name & workshops
54:55 The Orchid Essence cards - translations are available in French & German
57:00 The making of the essences
58:26 Trust the process & never think that you are alone ♥


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