Chat with Guru Deva ∘ Journey into the heart

Guru Deva is a yogi, a dancer, a writer and a teacher. With decades of experience in hosting yoga trainings, retreats and workshops as well as beautiful transformational healing using the modality of the Universal Healing Rays. She is a light and a grace.
Here she shared some pieces of her life’s journey, the training and work she is currently doing and we spoke about the heart, the mind, healthy self discipline and so much more.
I hope you enjoy the chat!

1:20 Guru Deva’s journey
5:10 Kundalini yoga beginnings
8:30 Training people back then (2000/2003)
9:55 Where I am now
13:28 Universal Healing Rays – the art of listening/receiving –
14:08 Getting to know yourself
15:09 Spirituality is changing
16:22 What are my gifts within a group, not hiding behind a group
17:27 Their trainings now, training people to BE instead of being ‘something’
20:22 Healthy self-discipline
21:21 Inner order for self discipline and understanding who you are
23:00 Discipline of conciseness
25:58 The mind is extremely receptive for suggestions – you can always prove yourself right
27:00 Make choices and awareness of what we create
31:26 Good mentors
33:05 The trainings – Alchemy of awakening
37:35 Alchemy of the self
44:58 The power of the group – sharing circle – learning how to support each other
51:00 Working with vision & intention (to not loose yourself in ideas, otherwise you are hostage of a vision which gives you some hope in your life but doesn’t bring you anywhere) Gathering and directing power. Learning happens through the steps you take, not in your mind
54:11 Resistance to change, taking the next step
57:18 Current daily Practice – Daniel Odier – Tandava / dance – grounding meditation
1:02:20 Pelvis as the center of creativity and joy
1:03:10 Working with the changing times
1:08:47 Heart first yoga – her journey into the heart
1:14:22 Micro practices
1:19:35 HeartMath Institute
1:20:15 Connecting to the heart – more efficient way of being
1:22:38 Learning about boundaries
1:25:10 Facing our feelings – feeling journeys
1:34:45 Curiosity
1:40:00 The message beyond the emotion
1:44:00 Intuition
1:57:30 Inner cohesion
1:58:33 Universal Healing Rays
2:11:00 The times for people telling us who/what we are is over, we need to come into ourselves
2:15:00 Advice for the current times

Daniel Odier
Journeys into the Heart – Drunvalo Melchizedek
Heartmath institute


Connecting to & acting on our intuition


Chat with Har Nal Kaur ∘ Welcoming the feminine