Chat with Har Nal Kaur ∘ Welcoming the feminine

Har Nal is a Kundalini Yoga & Meditation lead trainer in the UK, Path of Light facilitator, a healer using the modalities of the Universal Healing Rays, Inner Child work as well as Amanae. She has been a teacher and mentor of mine for a number of year and every time I speak to her there is a river of wisdom that flows through her. In this long chat she did just that as we spoke of an intuitive way of being, the work and training she is currently offering and I was lucky enough to hear of piece of her life story and journey to yoga.

1:53 Transition during the last 2 years
10:00 Surrendering, welcoming the divine design
13:47 Inner work can look like you’re doing nothing
18:44 Masculine / feminine energies. being vs doing
22:17 Trust that there is a part of you that holds a deep wisdom, honor different aspects of us
31:09 The mind wants to be seen doing things, masculine
35:42 Have curiosity with emotions
41:00 What’s happening now – facing what’s been in the shadow – trust – dealing and accepting our our own aspects
46:00 Before we allow ourselves to feel parts of us, we need to work with the belief (its good/bad)
46:53 The more of us take responsibility for our light/dark, the less it needs to manifest in other areas
50:20 Not robbing people of their pain / their journey – Not interfering. What is the “greater good”
54:57 Feminine energy – the space between the moments – holds everything with total allowing
57:20 Intuition / gut instinct – resistance to this – needing to have a plan to feel secure and forcing it – gaining experience of it so the mind can relax
01:02:00 Working with the creation – whenever I allow the creation I get the cake and the cherry
1:03:40 How the inner voice has changed over time
1:10:10 New center?
1:10:40 When the mind is confused, go back to the energy you feel – working with the unknown – patience
1:13:25 Vision of the new center
1:15:00 Life cycles / rhythms – allowing to grieve, clean the slate
1:17:30 Increasing the frequency through acts of self love
1:19:38 How to work with power in a healthy way – idea of lack – paradox of no one definitive truth
1:25:17 Path to yoga & Le Martinet in France
1:43:30 Being an empath, taking time to learn where you end and others begin
1:46:00 Level 1 & 2 Trainings in the UK
1:48:50 Ascended masters / Path of Light
1:49:22 Kundalini yoga is bringing the energy in the physical body into harmony/alignment – brings peace, clarity, insights – hidden energies, emotions bubble up as you do the kriya, we can trust more that we can cope with these suppressed aspects
1:53:26 Path of mastery – Path of Light, Path of Love, Path of mystery – learning how to receive
1:57:35 Universal Healing Rays healing modality – brining in the ray that you need to bring you to balance
1:59:40 Weekly Kundalini Yoga classes – trusting the guidance when teaching
2:05:36 Working beyond the mind – sensing the consciousness of a person, not just their personality
2:08:00 Bringing everything to the classes – sensing the energy coming through for the class and expanding to encompass it, can come through as nervousness
2:12:00 First class with Har Nal
2:13:20 Har Nal’s first classes with Karta
2:14:42 Prizing wisdom over money/career/relationships
2:15:52 The difference in people’s ability to receive and open up to new concepts is huge – the resistance to the willingness isn’t present as much – we’re passed the tipping point
2:19:00 Control is so in our face right now, because it can no longer stay hidden
2:21:20 Will there always be shadows? Talking of frequencies
2:27:00 How understanding of teachings change over time
2:29:00 Big jumps/ideas come through our intuition
2:32:04 Amanae


Chat with Guru Deva ∘ Journey into the heart


A bit about sleep